Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Your Skulls
Check it out:
Thursday, 10 March 2011
The Out of Sight OST
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Practicing on the kitchen table.
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Late last year I remixed an AXXONN track for a compilation. That comp is now available here. The full track-lisiting is:
1. Let’s Get It Straight – Monster Monster & Saint Surly
2. Let’s Get It Straight – Little Scout
3. Perfekt Acieed – Scott Arford
4. Perfect For Placid – Jonathan Boulet
5. Mash – REStream
6. Let’s Get It Straight – Toy Balloon
7. If I Had A Heart, Fever Ray [AXXONN Remix]
8. Perfect For Acid – The Sea Shall Not Have Them
9. Let’s Get It Straight – Tape/Off
10. Let’s Get It Straight – Ambrose Chapel
My contribution is a bit more musical than some of my other work. I dunno why. It's still pretty long a dense though. It's also the first recording of mine that utilities the drone/doom synth I built for Ableton Live; something I'm still working on but also something I'm not totally in love with at the moment.
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Monday, 17 January 2011
Wailing Danny Ford's Cassette Project | News

Been a bit quiet on here lately. Spent most of the summer working on new stuff. Gotta bake while the oven's hot. Gotta get while the getting's good. Gotta record shit into Ableton and listen to it over and over again while I still think it's a good/acceptable idea. I'm all about Redwirez impulse responses at the moment.
Doom-hell > Fender Bassman > Ableton > Redwirez Marshall Cab sims = total silence on the out side and total apocalypse rad in the headphones. My neighbours and I have never been so happy with each other.
In other news I just bought this on LP:

Tuesday, 7 December 2010
NativeKontrol LPC-Live: Launchpad Control to OO
So while something like this looks complex and confusing, I'm definitely interested:
Monday, 6 December 2010

Sunday, 5 December 2010
Summer Death Rays
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
The world will someday get me on some ludicrous pretext; I simply await the day that they drag me to some air-conditioned dungeon and leave me there beneath the florescent lights and sound-proofed ceiling to pay the price for scorning all that they hold dear within their little latex hearts.
–Ignatius J. Reilly
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Monday, 29 November 2010
Hell Yes!
Refractions Nov 2010
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Monday, 4 October 2010
Great Photos From The Worst Set I Ever Attempted To Perform
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Facilitator: Chris Hearn (Sound Summit) Participants: Adam Gauci (Curse Ov Dialect), Emily Hasselhoof (Baaddd, Hoofkake), Ian Rogers (No Anchor, Ambrose Chapel), Millie Millgate (Sounds Australia), Shoeb Ahmad (hellosQuare recordings, Spartak)
The increasing globalisation of the music industry, and the current affordability of long distance travel have made it easier for Australian musicians to export their sounds to an international audience. A well-traveled panel of experts discuss various approaches, the possibilities and the realities of international touring.
Instant Expert: Ableton Undead Exploring the Aesthetics of Drone/Doom Metal 4.00pm - 5.00pm: Artist Presentation, Renew Newcastle HQ. Facilitator: Ian Rogers (No Anchor, Ambrose Chapel).
The affective power and popularity of doom/drone metal can be partly attributed to it’s accessibility. Over the past year Ambrose Chapel (aka Ian Rogers of No Anchor) has explored this aspect of doom/drone, experimenting with and building a variety of software patches to be presented and released at this demonstration.
TINA Showcase Gig 7.30pm - 2.00am: Performance, Cambridge Hotel.
Performers: Jason Forrest (USA), Tantrums (Vic), Scattered Order, No Anchor (Qld - that's my band), Geodesic Domes, PA, Chris Cerrito, Cock Safari, Black Math
Premier local, national and international acts from Sound Summit and Electrofringe programs showcased over two nights.
Tickets each night $12 +BF presale / $15 on the door $20 +BF two night festival pass (presale only) from www.moshtix.com, The Cambridge Hotel and 1300 GET TIX.
Facilitator: Andrew Tuttle (Sound Summit) Participants: Ian Rogers (No Anchor, Ambrose Chapel), Emily Hasselhoof (Baaddd, Hoofkake), Jason Forrest (Cock Rock Disco, Nightshifters, DJ Donna Summer; USA), Stuart Buchanan (New Weird Australia)
The path to success as a rock star/superstar DJ/internationally acclaimed troubadour is littered with contradictory messages as to what and what not to do. Both “old” (write + record + tour +... so on) and “new” (facespace + iTwit + annoy all and sundry) methods of spreading the word about your creative talents seem to be the best way to be heard; however a select group of people manage to forge their own niche by distinctly playing ‘outside the rules’.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Dogs On Swings
Monday, 6 September 2010
- I'll be giving an artist presentation at this year's This Is Not Art festival in Newcastle as part of Sound Summit. My workshop will be at 4pm @ Renew Newcastle HQ (3 Thorn St). I'll be mainly talking about doom/drone and Ableton. It's going to be fun and easy-going; you don't need to be a druid or a computer person. I'll also be floating around the festival and popping up on a few panels.
- My band No Anchor will playing that night as well at The Cambridge Hotel for the TINA showcase. (We're also supporting Zeni Geva on Sept 24th up here in Brisbane = MAXIMUM HELL YES!)
- I'm working on some new stuff. I think I might put something out soon, something small and easy.
- I'm going on tour again in November.
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Monday, 9 August 2010
(a) I used to play in AXXONN and when I decided I couldn't do it anymore, I didn't want the project to end. I just couldn't do it anymore. I haven't heard the completed album but some of it is taken from a sessions Tom and I did on tour in Rotterdam at WORM studios and some of it may even hark back to pre-tour session we did at his house. I've been trying to stay out of it; partly because I like surprises; partly because I think when you leave a band it's important to not be a fucking douche about it. You just gotta get on and let other people get on. Glad Tom got on.
(b) Useless Artists is partially run by Jesse from Fans and I like the guy. I would have signed up with him too. I now think of him as the foster dad of my child, the one I abandoned.
(c) Got pretty loose when the contract was signed:

Thursday, 5 August 2010
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Sodium-Vapour 24.7.2010 from Richard Byers on Vimeo.